Thursday, 10 November 2011

Human Library in Bucharest, Romania

The second Human Library event was held in Bucharest, Romania on 14th and 15th of October between 16:00 – 21:00 at Octopus Lounge, City Centre. The Human Library was organised by A.R.T. Fusion’s Association team of volunteers and had 21 books and almost 60 readers. The most popular books were “The fear of speaking in public”, “Prisoner” and “Ballerina”.

YWAGV's team had 2 representants at Bucharest, Esther and Jennifer which were able to see how the method is being implement by our partner in the project.

Enjoy some photos from the event :)

Monday, 31 October 2011

ALAS photos from the Human Library - London @ 7th October

Our Human Library event had 9 wonderfull books and 22 very chatty readers. Soon we will post some of the readers' and books' feedback. But now enjoy the photos :)

Friday, 7 October 2011

The final preparation for Human Library

Silvia and Marina, the volunteers from A.R.T. Fusion, who came in London to be librarians, are doing the final preparation for the Human Library, together with Cristina
The Human Library will start at South Park Chapel (51 Ripley Road, Ilford) in about 4 hours, at 17:00. 
Now, the catalogue is being printed and later on, there will be a meeting with all the books.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Prep are on the go

We've been shopping for our Human Library event. Here's a sneak preview in the bag full of goodies :)

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Promotion for our event on 7th October

The last 2 weeks we've been creating our own leaflets and distributing them in Seven Kings area to make sure we will have plently of visitors at our Human Library event on 7th October. Tell us if you like our fliers and posters!

 Lots of locals are excited about the event and today Cristina spoke about Human Library at the usuall Sunday meeting at South Park Chapel in front of 50 christians.

We hope to have many visitors, but for now we can only tell you that we have 10 human books comming.

Wish you all the best and see you friday 7th October at 17:00 @ South Park Chapel (51 Ripley Road, Ilford, London).

Here is Jennifer spreading posters in the Seven Kings area :) 


Friday, 23 September 2011

We've got the dates for Human Library in Bucharest

As the Human Library in London will take place on 7th october, A.R.T. Fusion decided to organize the Human Library in Bucharest on 14 and 15 october.
We have already announced the human books who participated to our previous editions of Human Library and we count on them, but we are also looking for some new and interesting titles for the catalogue of this new edition of Human Library.
We are very excited about this project, we want to see how a Human Library will be perceived in UK because is something new for that community. However, we think this method will be well received and there will be lots of readers:)

As a preparation for october, A.R.T. Fusion organised 2 weeks ago, on 11of september, a Human Library during ONG Fest in Bucharest. The Human Library took place in a non-formal place, in the park, and everybody enjoyed the armosphere. We had almost 15 books, some "old" titles already known to the readers, but also some new titles in the catalogue. We let you with some photos from this nice edition of Human Library.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The poster

The poster for our Human Library is finally finished and printed with the help of our partners A.R.T. Fusion Association. Thank Ana Gradinariu for creating this nice poster for us! The streets of Ilford will be soon filled with this poster :)

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ALAS! Soon our Human Library 7th of October

The moment you all were waiting for! It was a long process to choose from all the possibilities we checked but finally we made our decision!

Our Human Library will take place on 

7th of October 2011 at South Park Chapel (51 Ripley Road, Ilford) between 17 - 20 pm.

Be there!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Looking for Human Books!‏

Hey there,
Has you have notices we have found our location and have a fixed date and time for the project but now we need YOU! we are looking for human books to take part.
HUMAN LIBRARY works like a usual library were the readers come and borrow books for a limited period of time. After they read the book the readers return the book and if they want they can borow other books. There are 2 major aspects though: the BOOKs are HUMANS and the readers have the posibility to start a personal dialogue with the HUMAN BOOKS, facilitating comunication between two people which never met.
The books from the HUMAN LIBRARY are people representing social categories which deal or can deal with prejudice, stigmatization (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc) and which could be victims of discrimination, social exclusion or they can be people with rich life stories which can give to the reader an unique learning experience from diversity and interculturality point of view.
The participation as a Human Books is done as a voluntary basis engament. You can participate as a Human Book for all the duration or just for a few hours (depending on your personal programme).
So if YOU could take part that would be great thanks! 
many thanks 
Esther :)  

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Location, Location, Location!!!

Hi Everyone,

In regards to the recent meeting, we decided to run the Human Library event at the beginning of October. This will ensure that we have enough time to prepare the event. The proposed dates are Friday, 7th October to Saturday, 8th October 2011. The proposed times are 4pm-8pm and 12pm-4pm respectively.
From the previous meetings, although several proposals for the location were made, the team decided to use the Ilford Central Library. Cristina and Esther managed to visit Ilford Library on Monday (8th Aug) to check all the spaces suggested and got some contact details.

We made enquiries at the library to ensure the availability of the premise for the proposed dates and the price details. We researched into groups of networks that we can join in order to advertise the Human Library event. Also, we wrote a description of the event, which will be posted on the network groups to inform others about the event.

Soon we will have the design for the t-shirt and poster that we will use.
Many thanks to the A.R.T Fusion team which is coordinating this task.

Kind regards,


Steps of Human Library

We decided to share with you some of the things what we learned at our Human Library workshop we did with Cristina.
The steps we must follow when organizing the HumanLibrary are:
  • Identifying the objectives and establishing the advantages of the method
  • The responsibilities of the project team
  • Choosing the location for organizing the event 
  • Selecting the books and organizing the catalogues
  • Selecting and prepping the librarians
  • The prep meeting for the books
  • Promoting the library
  • Carrying out the actual event
  • Evaluating the library

by Jennifer.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Human Library Workshop in images

Hey there,
As you can see over the 3 days in the past week we have been doing our training for the Human Library which as been a fun and educational time. Still got alot of plannig and deliberation to do but i can really see how this project is going to shine cant wait and happy to be apart of it. :)

Enjoy the pics below!

Yours, Esther

Monday, 25 July 2011

YWAGV Human Library training for volunteers have started!

Training is well underway for some 5 volunteers who have committed to take part in this collaborative project.  Esther, Jennifer, Steve, Selina and Cristina at YWAGV are looking forward to working together in preparation for recruiting human/living books as well as more volunteers.  We will also be doing some publicity to generate interest from beneficiaries that is, the young people who will be using the library by borrowing human books for the purpose of learning about different cultures, backgrounds, achievements that they are otherwise exposed to. 

The training is spread over 3 evenings initially however ongoing support will be available for volunteers and beneficiaries as and when required.  Taking place in the east of London where YWAGV is based, the actual project will be spread across other cities as more volunteers get involved.

We will shortly follow-up with an update on the new learnings for current volunteers.  Watch the space and get involved by writing a comment or sharing your thoughts.

Learn more about Human Library here:

Friday, 22 July 2011

A.R.T. Fusion has also started the preparation for the project


A.R.T. Fusion, being the partner for the nice project "Don't judge the book by its covers", has also started the preparations. The first step was to organize a meeting between the members of the work team, Roxana, Marina and Ana. So, we met last week, had a nice discussion about our future activities in this project and everyone got something to take care of, a particular part:)

As we have many volunteers who can't wait to get involved in our projects, the next step was, obvious, the meeting with the volunteers:) We presented to them the topic and the purpose of the project and they got very excited about this. So far, we have a number of 10 volunteers who want to be involved in the preparation and also in the implementation of the project. They are already familiarized with the concept of Living Library, as they have already taken part to some editions of Living Library in Romania, as readers, librarians,  books or volunteers.

We managed very quickly to share the responsabilities within the team, so we are proud now that we have our little teams of volunteers that will take care of the logistics, communication or design of the flyers and posters.
Very soon we will also post some photos from our meetings.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Advance planned visit

Hy everybody!

We just managed to have our first meeting as a team with all the partners involved being present. We had the APV (Advanced planned visit) last week, a very fruitful meeting where we discussed about the project's activities and what are the next steps. Soon we will post a calendar of the future activities :)
During the project you will be enchanted with information and photos posted by both partners of the project, Youth with a Global Vision and A.R.T. Fusion.

So stay tuned for future news!

Don't judge a Book by its Covers Project

"Don’t judge a book by its covers" project is a unique project which will be implemented in 2 communities in Romania and UK. The project is being implemented by two organisations, partners in this trans-national project: Youth with a Global Vision, UK and A.R.T. Fusion Association, Romania.
The aim of the project is to bring young people closer of accepting diversity using a unique and interactive non-formal method, HUMAN LIBRARY. The objectives: empowering 1 organizations from UK to use HUMAN LIBRARY method in working with young people topics related to diversity,  in 7 months;and develop a toolkit for dissemination and multiplication the HUMAN LIBRARY method at international European level, to use it directly in activities with young people on issues of prejudice.
The target group: young people with prejudice against people from other ethnic, faith, social background, people with disabilities etc. The duration of the project is comprised during  7 months and we plan to involve 240 direct beneficiaries (books, readers and volunteers) and 1100 indirect beneficiaries. The theme of the project is DIVERSITY and social inclusion. 
The project will develop the following main activities: ART Fusion will deliver a training in Human Library method for Youth with a Global Vision Organisation, preparing the Living Library documentation, preparing activities of the Human Library event, the implementation of 2 Human Library events simultaneous in London and Bucharest, creating a Human Library toolkit and follow up activities, offering consultancy, monitoring and evaluation.
Don’t judge a book by its covers is a project funded by European Commission, through Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.2.