Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Advance planned visit

Hy everybody!

We just managed to have our first meeting as a team with all the partners involved being present. We had the APV (Advanced planned visit) last week, a very fruitful meeting where we discussed about the project's activities and what are the next steps. Soon we will post a calendar of the future activities :)
During the project you will be enchanted with information and photos posted by both partners of the project, Youth with a Global Vision and A.R.T. Fusion.

So stay tuned for future news!

Don't judge a Book by its Covers Project

"Don’t judge a book by its covers" project is a unique project which will be implemented in 2 communities in Romania and UK. The project is being implemented by two organisations, partners in this trans-national project: Youth with a Global Vision, UK and A.R.T. Fusion Association, Romania.
The aim of the project is to bring young people closer of accepting diversity using a unique and interactive non-formal method, HUMAN LIBRARY. The objectives: empowering 1 organizations from UK to use HUMAN LIBRARY method in working with young people topics related to diversity,  in 7 months;and develop a toolkit for dissemination and multiplication the HUMAN LIBRARY method at international European level, to use it directly in activities with young people on issues of prejudice.
The target group: young people with prejudice against people from other ethnic, faith, social background, people with disabilities etc. The duration of the project is comprised during  7 months and we plan to involve 240 direct beneficiaries (books, readers and volunteers) and 1100 indirect beneficiaries. The theme of the project is DIVERSITY and social inclusion. 
The project will develop the following main activities: ART Fusion will deliver a training in Human Library method for Youth with a Global Vision Organisation, preparing the Living Library documentation, preparing activities of the Human Library event, the implementation of 2 Human Library events simultaneous in London and Bucharest, creating a Human Library toolkit and follow up activities, offering consultancy, monitoring and evaluation.
Don’t judge a book by its covers is a project funded by European Commission, through Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.2.