Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Looking for Human Books!‏

Hey there,
Has you have notices we have found our location and have a fixed date and time for the project but now we need YOU! we are looking for human books to take part.
HUMAN LIBRARY works like a usual library were the readers come and borrow books for a limited period of time. After they read the book the readers return the book and if they want they can borow other books. There are 2 major aspects though: the BOOKs are HUMANS and the readers have the posibility to start a personal dialogue with the HUMAN BOOKS, facilitating comunication between two people which never met.
The books from the HUMAN LIBRARY are people representing social categories which deal or can deal with prejudice, stigmatization (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc) and which could be victims of discrimination, social exclusion or they can be people with rich life stories which can give to the reader an unique learning experience from diversity and interculturality point of view.
The participation as a Human Books is done as a voluntary basis engament. You can participate as a Human Book for all the duration or just for a few hours (depending on your personal programme).
So if YOU could take part that would be great thanks! 
many thanks 
Esther :)  

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Location, Location, Location!!!

Hi Everyone,

In regards to the recent meeting, we decided to run the Human Library event at the beginning of October. This will ensure that we have enough time to prepare the event. The proposed dates are Friday, 7th October to Saturday, 8th October 2011. The proposed times are 4pm-8pm and 12pm-4pm respectively.
From the previous meetings, although several proposals for the location were made, the team decided to use the Ilford Central Library. Cristina and Esther managed to visit Ilford Library on Monday (8th Aug) to check all the spaces suggested and got some contact details.

We made enquiries at the library to ensure the availability of the premise for the proposed dates and the price details. We researched into groups of networks that we can join in order to advertise the Human Library event. Also, we wrote a description of the event, which will be posted on the network groups to inform others about the event.

Soon we will have the design for the t-shirt and poster that we will use.
Many thanks to the A.R.T Fusion team which is coordinating this task.

Kind regards,


Steps of Human Library

We decided to share with you some of the things what we learned at our Human Library workshop we did with Cristina.
The steps we must follow when organizing the HumanLibrary are:
  • Identifying the objectives and establishing the advantages of the method
  • The responsibilities of the project team
  • Choosing the location for organizing the event 
  • Selecting the books and organizing the catalogues
  • Selecting and prepping the librarians
  • The prep meeting for the books
  • Promoting the library
  • Carrying out the actual event
  • Evaluating the library

by Jennifer.